Refilming the necessities
Hello, blog! My groupmates and I agreed on a date that worked for everyone's schedules, and we decided to reshoot the park scenes because they were the most difficult to edit. This time, I made sure to film the scenes correctly because we were running out of production time. I made sure that the lighting was consistent, the camera angles were as steady as possible, and the actors were creating the best mood for the film. The park scenes included not only one specific location but also multiple crossings of the road. The crossing-the-road scene took the longest to film because we had to make sure we got the shot right the first time or we'd have to do it again. Waiting for the pedestrian light and then shooting the actor crossing the road was the most difficult because we had to work quickly to get across the road safely. Often times when we shoot the crossing scenes and rewatched the footage, the camera was shaky from walking too fast, and the entire scene had to be redone. I didn't want to break up the scene because it would make the editing in the final product look choppy, and I wanted the scene to be shot in one continuous shot to give the film that smooth and complete look. We eventually finished the scene and made sure to rewatch all footage and stitch it into the film as soon as possible to avoid having to schedule another filming date. So far, the new shots of the scenes look good and will be incorporated into the film more.
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