First editing blog

 Hey, blog! Since the last filming day, it was only a short time until the group decided to start editing. We discussed who gets to edit which part, and I was assigned to most of the editing since most of the filming was done on my phone. However, it was also decided that the rest of the group oversee what I was doing and add their input wherever they saw necessary to make sure that our film had the best quality and results. With that being done, I went straight into editing and started to add each scene that I thought was good for the film and began cutting and filtering any part of the scene that didn't belong. Though I had to start editing in the middle of the film, I made sure to leave room for the beginning and end, making sure the film was as long as we needed. After several cutaways, fades, dissolves, and matching, I notice that there was a lot of background noise interfering with the audio in the film and it made it hard to hear what the actors were saying. I did some research on how to reduce background noise to a minimum and informed the group about the scenes that needed to be redone because of this. I also informed them of their acting so the film could seem more realistic. We made plans to meet up soon so we could shoot the beginning of the film and I will connect and edit that part of the film immediately before we shoot the ending scenes.


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