Editing blog
Hey, blog! There isn't much to report on today's editing, it's the same as last time involving sound, transitions, and quality. As for transitions between clips, it's a little less choppy. I tried cutting some of the scenes to a specific beginning and end so that way when all the clips are stitched together the transition isn't so awkward between them and appears more smooth. There's a lot of footage that was recorded that still hasn't been reviewed yet but is stitched to another clip for editing. So far transitions are inconsistent throughout the film but it is getting better as we progress with editing. I'm trying to use fewer fade-ins and outs for each transition because I want the film to appear more realistic, the cut-to-transition seems too harsh in between clips, and I'm still searching for a different and professional way of doing a transition. Since transitions play a vital role in the film, it was one of the most important factors to focus on if I really wanted the film to be up to standards. For sound editing, I found a few free copyrighted music and asked for permission as well. I'm still waiting on a response from a few creators but for now, I am continuing to use the music I already have and search for more.
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