Cutting scenes??
Hello, blog! Today is another editing blog, and I'm back with some disappointing news. With editing still in progress and soon to be completed, important decisions had to be made. Some scenes that had been established in the storyboard had to be cut from the final product of the film because they either made the film too long or made the transition with the other scene too awkward. Most of the time the reason was that the running time of the film was too long and needed to be reduced, so I deleted the scenes that weren't a necessity to the film. These scenes had to be cut to save the film's face and make the final product acceptable. The parts of the film that were cut weren't too bad because they didn't significantly alter the plot. The essential elements remained, however, the deleted scenes served the purpose of adding excitement and more character to the film. Some scenes, however, definitely had to be cut from the film because it prevented the narrative from flowing smoothly between scenes, often times it would create a weird pause of silence or appear as a random scene of action, which is not what I wanted the film for the film. The opening sequence also had to be cut short to reduce the running time of the film but that wasn't a problem during editing because all the elements were still there. With the constant review in editing, I hope that the film doesn't appear boring to the audience and the overall theme of the film is still acknowledged and appreciated.
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