Not much editing today

Hello there, blog! My partner and I are continuing to edit our film today. We filmed the last half last week and now we have all of the necessary scenes and shots, however, some parts of the film will need to be reshot. We scheduled a day to retake some of the camera angles, such as the shot-reverse-shot and middle close-up because they didn't seem as clean as we intended. I began to add sounds like diegetic and non-diegetic to help bring the film to life, and I also started to apply transition editing in between scenes like fade in, fade out, and dissolve, just to give off the fear and stress effect in the film that we want the audience to experience. My partner and I want to take our time reshooting each shot because several of the scenes included shots that needed to be retaken. We were in a hurry on our last filming day because it was after school and nighttime was approaching. When we rushed the shots, the result when editing the scenes together wasn't as clear, and it didn't look as good in general. This is the final filming that my partner and I will do, so there should be no issues when it comes to final editing.


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