First day blog

  My partner and I met up for the first time today at the park to begin filming. We went through all the different scenes and shots as well as found all the perfect spots to shoot each scene to make sure we give the right effect to the audience. In each scene we analyzed, we ventured off to find a spot with specific lighting and mood. As my partner and I look for different areas in the park, we finally sat down to discuss and plan the specifics of each scene such as how we are going to start or act our opening film.  As we discussed the many possibilities we didn't have the time to start the actual filming. Most of the day was spent visually and physically drawing blueprints of our surroundings in support of the film location. My partner and I plan to start filming our first scene the next time we meet up to establish some progress and map out any mistakes that might occur throughout the filming of this project. We plan to bring props for specific scenes and wear costumes to match the characters' personalities. We plan to make this film feel as real as possible so the audience can take the film as seriously as we do. With the discussion my partner and I had on the first day of filming, I am feeling more confident than before in the starting of this project and how it will progress to the end. I am excited to start this final project and as for the last projects I have completed I know that I'm going to have a lot of fun.


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