title design research (horror): The Invisible Man
1. How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences of the film? Which ones?
- Six titles were displayed during the opening scene, which includes the companies that collaborated together to create the production of the film, the actors, and the editors
2. What connotations do the images carry? (How do they make you feel)
- the images show the bottom of a cliff which is surrounded by water with high tides, the images foreshadow that there might be a battle later in the film near the cliff, it leaves us with a suspenseful feeling.
3. How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes for the outset? (Can you tell what genre the film is?
- By the diegetic sounds and an opening with ominous sounds, we're able to tell that this film is horror.
4. What conventions are used to ensure that the film appeals to its target audience?
- The setting, the silence, and ominous rumbling sounds set the atmosphere for the audience if they're into suspense and mystery
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